Do I Need An Oiled or Oil-Less Air Compressor? [ Find Our Expert's Recommendation]
Are you confused between Oil or Oil-less Air Compressors. Many don't know the differences between An Oiled or Oil-less Air Compressor. Before clarifying, I want to discuss how a compressor works. All compressors include three basic key mechanisms: an air storage tank, pump, and an induction motor . Both oil-filled and oil-free compressors share the same mechanism. Both of them have the same three basic components. You may be thinking then where is the distinction. OK, do you remember the second components of air compressor? It is the pump that can be either oil-free or oil-less. Let's now talk about the pump and how does it work in the group work of three main components. The function of the pump is to suck air and then send it to the air tank. The motor allows the piston to move up and down inside a very air tight cylinder. Read: 3 Best Laser Distance Measure , 5 Top Trim Compressors When the piston moves down it draws air and when moves up it delivers ai...